The Mockingbird is the season two and series finale and the 20th overall episode of The Catch.
Short Summary[]
While Alice and Ben are forced to face their pasts, a shocking betrayal could change everything.
Full Summary[]
Margot wonders what to call Tommy, but he says Mockingbird is just fine. He prefers to be hard to reach since he finds it stops people from bothering him for every little detail, thus giving him time to deal with problems such as his product being hijacked from his territory. Margot says Keegan's clubs were her territory since they were finalizing a deal. Since Mockingbird is new in town, she's willing to cut him a deal. She declines a call from Ben and says she's willing to give him back his product if he gives her back Keegan's clubs, or else she has 150 men at her disposal that will obstruct his business. Tommy hopes she doesn't mean Taggart's crew, becaus they're his now. He's also forged alliances with all major crime families in town, so he's offering Margot a role. There's no Kensington Firm because he's already absorbed what little she had left, and all the other crime bosses asked him not to let her leave alive. However, that means they are afraid of her and he could someone like her on his payroll. She either gives him back the drugs, or they'll call it an active war. He tells her she's got 24 hous to overthink the proposal. He leaves and Margot answers a call from Rhys.
Margot joins Rhys, Ben, and Alice at the con artists' house. She yells at Alice about not protecting Tessa, but Alice yells back that Sophie took a bullet. Ben and Margot both ask each where they were. Ben thinks it's all because of the war with Felicity. Since everyone agrees it's Rhys's fault, Rhys wants to go finish the job, but they stop him. It's him that Felicity wants. She'll have to do with him since there's no Firm left. There has been a hostile takeover from a man calling himself Mockingbird. He's a cocky son of a bitch, but she doesn't know who he is. She then gets a call from Felicity. She answers.
Felicity tells Margot she has no intention of hurting Tessa as long as Margot does what she says. Margot puts her on speaker as she says she wants Margot and Rhys. She tells them to come at the Beechwood Dam at noon tomorrow, and to bring Ben as well so Tessa can go home with her father. Ben says they're doing this. This time, they're doing it his way.
Alice arrives at the hospital, where Valerie and Danny tell her Sophie's out of surgery and doing great. However, Sophie's parents won't let Alice see Sophie. They're not happy with AVI. They want to see them. Sophie will be fine, but in the meantime, they have Sophie's laptops with all Weatherby footage of the night that Rhys shot Felicity. If they can decrypt it, they can figure out who saved Felicity's life and who she's working with.
At Alice's house, Ben and Alice are looking at an aerial view of the dam to figure out a plan. Alice is set on helping Ben and Tessa. Ben says he's ready to die for this girl, while a few weeks ago, he didn't know she existed. He thinks Felicity will expect them to try something. Alice says Felicity won't be expecting her.
Ben and Alice are presenting their plan to Rhys and Margot.
Ben drives Rhys and Margot to the dam while Alice is their eyes and ears, sitting in a van parked a quarter mile away from the dam. Valerie, meanwhile, is in the van working on Sophie's laptop. Danny is on a ridge overlooking the dam with a sniper, which is the only gun in the plan.
As two SUVs arrive on the dam, Valerie has accessed the Weatherby files. As Felicity and Tessa, held at gunpoint, get out, Danny ask what the plan is. Alice tells him to blow the tires after the exhange has been made and Tessa and Ben are at a safe distance. While the con trio are proving they're not carrying guns, Valerie finds that a call was made at 9:36 PM from Rhys's room, meaning 6 minutes after he left the room that night. The call was made to another suite, which had Felix McCall in it. Valerie and Alice remember him as the former Kensington lieutenant who started working for Tessa. Alice then quickly tells Ben that it's a setup as Tessa has been working with Felicity the whole time. Tessa then draws a gun and points it at Margot. Ben wants to talk. Tessa says there'll be plenty of time since they're coming with them. As Margot and Rhys are taken into the SUVs, Tessa has a message for Alice. If she or her people try to thwart their departure, she will kill Ben. Tessa has Ben move to the car. Danny asks Alice if she wants him to take Tessa out, but Alice tells him to stand down.
Alice finds Justine at the house and is surprised that Ethan's there, too. They are waiting for Ben. Alice tells them he's not coming.
Alice has updated Justine on everything, including Margot. Justine asks if her CIs have been working for Margot the entire time, but Alice denies this. She swears Ben didn't lie to Justine and recalls all he did for her. Alice says the only lead they have is Mockingbird, as in the Mockingbird Trust. Justine's surprised she knows about that and announces that Ben is in so much trouble.
Margot has just told Felicity about Mockingbird, for whom she now works. Tessa swears she didn't know. Ben asks Felicity who this girl is. Felicity says this really is their daughter. Tessa says Felicity's the one who found her and told her about who she is. Rhys wonders why Felicity used Tessa instead of coming back and killing him. Margot realizes Felicity wanted Kensington. Felicity thought about staging a coup, but it is a family business after all. Sybil told her about Tessa when she got drunk, so Felicity seized the opportunity. Ben tells Tessa Felicity will kill her the minute she starts thinking for herself. Felicity says that as soon as Margot and Rhys have killed each other in what will look like a gruesome sibling spat, Tessa will be queen and Felicity will serve as her counsel. Margot says there's nothing to be queen of now that Mockingbird has taken over. Felicity tells her to call Mockingbird so they can arrange something, but Margot says she has no way of contacting him. Felicity wants to have Margot killed since she's of no use, but Ben says Mockingbird won't agree to meet if it's not Margot who answers his call. Felicity then agrees to wait for his call.
Ethan shows Alice a picture of Carol, who's been laundering Mockingbird's money. Ethan has agreed to drop the charges against Carol if she helps them find Mockingbird. Ethan then brings up what he said last night. She's glad that he said it. She's with Ben now, but she was going to spend the rest of her life with him. She's always gonna love him. He's not sure if that makes it better or worse. She says that's just the way it is. Alice says she'll check in with Justine to see where they are with Carol. "Let's find Ben," Ethan says.
Carol is at AVI and Justine tells her she'll get the judge to give Carol shorter sentence if she helps them find Mockingbird. She hopes she can have her job back when she gets out, but Alice says that's a no. Val tells Carol to focus. Carol says she has no idea who Mockingbird is, as all she knows is that he left an envelope with money on her desk every week. The money he gave her to invest in Ethan's company were all EFTs. Alice says that generates some kind of receipt, but Carol says they'd go directly into the Trust. Alice says they can send an SOS instead of a receipt. Justine suggests telling him that her identity has been compromised, and then request an emergency meeting with her and her team. They will then pose as her team.
Justine, Valerie, and Alice follow Carol into the room where the meeting is set. Tommy comes down the stairs and greets Carol. He then sees the others and Valerie is shocked. Justine wonders if they know him. Alice then points her gun at Tommy and says he's her idiot little brother, not Mockingbird.
Back in her office, Alice insists that Tommy is not Mockingbird. He maintains that he is, but then denies being Mockingbird when Justine says he's going to jail for a very long time. He says Mockingbird is a friend of his who'd kill him if he told them his name. Justine offers him protection, but he says that won't work. Alice then needs him to call Margot, which he agrees to do when Justine again threatens to arrest him.
Felicity allows Margot to answer the phone. With everyone listening, Tommy asks her if she's ready to return the drugs, shocking Alice and Justine. Margot says he'll need to discuss that with the associate of hers that's now in charge. Felicity takes the phone and asks Tommy when they can meet. Meanwhile, Tessa tells her parents and uncle that it wasn't personal as it was all planned out before she met them. She only knew that they abandoned her. Margot says she knows more now and asks Tessa whose child she is.
Tommy gives Alice the address that he's supposed to meet Felicity at. Justine will secure a radius around the building. Tommy walks off, but Alice says he can't go. Alice asks Danny to come in and orders him to stay with Tommy and make sure he's here. He wants to object, but Alice introduces him to Agent Justine Diaz in order for him not to expose his relationship to Margot. The women leave and Tommy asks Danny if he's not with Sophie anymore.
Now that the meeting is arranged, Felicity begins orchestrating the deaths of Margot and Rhys. She's planning to make it look like Margot and Rhys shot each other with Ben dying in the crossfire. Felicity wonders who to kill first. Rhys suggests she starts with herself. She then decides on Rhys. She pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. Tessa then shows the bullets in her hand and aims her gun at Felicity. She orders the other guards to put their guns down. Margot gets zip ties while Felicity tries to convince Tessa that her family are selfish people. Tessa says she is as well. Margot then uses a taser she found on Felicity. Tessa apologizes for all she did. Ben gets a text from Alice informing them about the FBI's impending arrival. He tells Margot and Tessa to go. He and Rhys need to stay since Justine thinks she's saving them. As soon as they're gone, Rhys wants to kill Felicity. Ben warns him not to as there are witnesses, so Justine will arrest him. Rhys then turns to kill the guards. As Ben tries to stop him, Felicity gets back on her feet and shoots Rhys. She tells Ben his daughter's next and leaves the room. Since it's just a flesh wound, Rhys urges Ben to go after Felicity.
He is just in time to see Alice kick Felicity to the ground in the hallway. While Felicity is arrested, Ben tells Alice that Tessa saved them. Valerie goes to call an ambulance for Rhys and Ben tells Justine that Margot and Tessa took off.
Tommy wants to go visit Sophie, but Danny tells him he can't. Danny wonders why he keeps coming back when he only ends up hurting Alice. Tommy says because she's his sister. She's all he has. When two FBI agents arrive, Tommy voluntarily gets cuffed. He asks Danny to say hi to Sophie for him and is then taken away.
Alice, Valerie, and Justine arrive back at AVI and inform Danny on what went down. Alice then asks where Tommy is. He says Justine's guys came to get him about an hour ago, but Justine doesn't know what he's talking about. Justine says she'll find him and Margot and she tells Alice to stay out of her way from here on.
As Alice is examining Tommy's left-behind jacket, Danny receives a call from Margot. She tells him that she and Tessa are at Alice's house. Since Alice doesn't know, Danny tells her they can't be there. Margot needs a favor. She needs a jet. The sooner he finds one, the sooner they are out of Alice's house. She hangs up. Alice and Valerie ask about Margot and Danny claims he doesn't know where she is.
Margot is left wondering what to do with her life now. She spent her entire life building something, and she failed. Ben is with Alice, and Tessa is... Tessa says she's Margot Bishop's daughter. She didn't save Margot's life so she could give up. She reminds Margot of her promise to teach her how to run a crime syndicate. They can build a new one together.
Ben arrives at AVI and tells Alice that Rhys is fine. Alice tells him that Justine is after Margot and Tessa. Ben says Justine will never trust him again after this. Alice says she might if they give her Mockingbird. Tommy was their best lead, but he only left behind his jacket. Ben takes a look and says it's custom made.
Ben is making a call, pretending to be working for Tommy. He says that Mr. Vaughan loved the suit so much that he wants to order another. He asks if he can confirm the credit card number that Mockingbird left.
Danny has looked at the credit card info, but there's nothing out of the ordinary. Only lots of sushi from Vinzu. Alice says Tommy hates sushi. Ben then takes a closer look at the information. They are related to the cases Ben did for the FBI. They realize that Tommy and Mockingbird followed Ben and stepped in to fill the power vacuum as soon as the FBI arrested the criminals. There's only one other person who had access to this information.
Tommy meets with the real Mockingbird on a rooftop overlooking the city. It's Rhys. He tells Tommy that everything they see belongs to them now.
Tommy notices that Rhys's arm is in a sling. He knows Felicity did that as Alice told him. Rhys asks what else Alice knows. Tommy says she knows he's not Mockingbird as she doesn't think he's capable of being a crime boss. Rhys says they'll show her. While he will be the true leader, he can't be the face of it all. Tommy will have to prove to Alice that he is Mockingbird so that they won't uncover the truth. Rhys reminds them of their deal. Tommy reminds him that that promise included that Alice wouldn't be involved. Rhys says that's not his doing, but if Tommy wants to keep Alice safe, he has to see this through until the end.
Ben and Alice have informed Justine about Rhys being Mockingbird. She fears she's going to jail. Ben says they'll get him. Justine says the Bureau will also need Margot and Tessa, or it'll look like they've all been working for Kensington. Ben refuses to hand over Tessa, but he swears he doesn't even know where they are. Justine asks everyone in the room if they have talked to Margot. Danny is last.
Margot is examining Alice's bathroom when Ben calls her. He tells her that the FBI are looking for her. She asks what she should do. He tells her to stay put until he gets there.
As soon as he hangs up, Justine tells Ben he's riding with her. She has three units on the way. Justine orders Alice to sit this one out.
Right before Justine and Ben get on the elevator, Ethan arrives. He says Alice called him. She claims it's about work. Ben is curious, but Justine points out they have to go. Once they're gone, Alice tells Ethan that she needs his help.
Ben and the FBI arrive at Alice's house. Ben gives Justine the key. The FBI agents barge in and discover that the house is empty. Justine turns around and finds that Ben is gone.
Ben gets in a car with Tessa and Margot, who thanks him for the warning. Justine calls Ben, but he declines. The car drives off.
Justine is leaving Ben a message. Since he is gone with Tessa and Margot, he has violated the terms of his deal, so she can't help him now. He's going down.
Justine tells Alice and Valerie that Ben broke his deal. She knows he never would have done that without Alice's blessing, so if Alice tells her where they are, she might consider lessening the charges against Alice and her company. Justine is set on arresting somebody tonight. Tommy comes in and asks if she'll leave Alice alone if he gives her Rhys. He might not be able to give her Rhys, but he can give her his entire operation.
While Justine is making calls, Tommy tells Alice and Valerie that he always comes back. Alice says this time he came back for her. He confesses he was hoping she could get him out of his situation with Rhys. Justine comes back and informs them she has an ABP out on Rhys, Margot, Tessa, and Ben. Alice knows that Justine knows that Ben is only doing this for Tessa. Justine says Ben spending his life in jail won't help Tessa. She tells Alice she's sorry. Tommy hugs Alice and tells her Ben will be okay. They always make everything okay. He then leaves with Justine.
The car arrives at the airport. Ben, Margot, and Tessa get out. Margot can't believe Danny actually did it. Danny appears and says he can't say no to her. They share a kiss and Margot asks Danny to come with them.
Meanwhile, Ben is calling Rhys, who's having coffee. Ben tells him he's getting Margot and his daughter out of the country so they'll be safe. And then he's coming for Rhys, who lied to him and used him and compromised his future with Alice. Rhys says he did it for them so they'd have something after their deal. Ben says it's all his, because they are done. He repeats he's coming for him and hangs up.
Danny admits he had some help. Alice and Ethan then arrive. Danny admits this is Ethan's plane (as well as his airport). Ben says he can't compete, but Margot says he doesn't have to because it's clear that Alice loves him.
Ben walks up to Alice and kisses her, which Ethan hates. Ben says he'll say goodbye to Tessa, but Alice says he won't. He has to go with them. He can't stay here, because the FBI won't stop until he's behind bars. If he gets on the plane, they will figure it out. She has to stay here because she can't just disappear. Not yet. As they hear sirens wailing, Alice urges them to go. They share one last kiss. Margot and Tessa are excited to find out that he's coming with them. Tessa loves that she's going to have two daddies. Ben asks Danny if he's coming with. Danny looks at Alice and decides to stay here. He can't just leave Alice. Tessa boards the plane while Margot tells Danny she doesn't believe in monogamy. She does, however, ask him to try and not fall in love with someone else until they reunite. They share a kiss. Margot and Ben then board the plane as well. Alice, Danny, and Ethan watch the plane take off as the sirens approach.
Main Cast[]
- Mireille Enos as Alice Vaughan
- Peter Krause as Benjamin Jones
- Jay Hayden as Danny Yoon
- Rose Rollins as Valerie Anderson
- Sonya Walger as Margot Bishop
- Elvy Yost as Sophie Novak (credit only)
- John Simm as Rhys Griffiths
Guest Stars[]
- T.R. Knight as Tommy Vaughan
- Warren Christie as Ethan Ward
- Shivani Ghai as Felicity
- Philippa Coulthard as Tessa Riley
- Paula Pell as Carol Cooney
- Gina Torres as Agent Justine Diaz
- Alex Puccinelli as Frankie
- Maurice Johnson as FBI Agent
Cons and Cases[]
Margot met with Mockingbird, Tommy, and told her he'd swayed much of her crew over to him and offered her the chance to work for him. He gave her 24 hours to make her decision.
The FBI used Carol Cooney to draw him out early and once Alice learned it was Tommy, they used him to set up a meeting with Felicity in order to rescue Ben, Margot, and Rhys. Margot and Tessa escaped just before they arrived and arrested Felicity. While they were gone, Tommy disappeared with two people posing as FBI agents there to arrest him. They tracked his suit jacket to a tailor and used it to figure out that he'd taken over all the criminal operations Ben and Rhys had shut down. Justine, Ben, and Rhys were the only people who knew about all their jobs, meaning that Rhys had told Tommy about them.
Justine pressured Ben to tell her where Margot and Tessa were. She finally got the information from Danny and went to Alice's house to pick them up. However, they escaped before the FBI arrived and Ben disappeared with them, violating the terms of his deal. Justine said she was going to arrest someone that night and would make it Alice if she had to, but Tommy came in and offered to help her take down all Rhys's operations in exchange for her leaving Alice alone.
Tessa's Kidnapping[]
Margot was horrified to learn Tessa had been kidnapped. Ben, Margot, and Rhys were summoned to meet at a dam. When they went to the meeting, they were taken just after Alice figured out that Tessa had been working with Felicity all along. The three of them were brought back to Felicity. She planned to make it look like Margot and Rhys killed each other. Felicity set up a meeting with Mockingbird in order to make her takeover complete, but the FBI came instead and arrested Felicity shortly after Margot and Tessa escaped out the back.
They went to Alice's house, but fled again when Justine found out that's where they were. They used Ethan's plane to flee the country, along with Ben.
Song | Performer | Scene |
"" |
Notes and Trivia[]
The Catch 2x10 Promo "The Mockingbird" (HD) Season 2 Episode 10 Promo Season Finale
- This episode scored 2.96 million viewers.
- This is the only episode of the whole series not to feature Elvy Yost as Sophie Novak.
- That also makes this the only episode of the entire series to have a main character not appear while the actor is credited.
Episode Stills[]
Behind the Scenes[]
See Also[]
A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here. |
Season 2 | |||
#01 | "The New Deal" | #06 | "The Hard Drive" |
#02 | "The Hammer" | #07 | "The Birthday Party" |
#03 | "The Dining Hall" | #08 | "The Knock-Off" |
#04 | "The Family Way" | #09 | "The Cleaner" |
#05 | "The Bad Girl" | #10 | "The Mockingbird" |
<< Season 1 |